
These hardy perennials and annuals are commonly known as Cupid's Dart and Blue Cupidone. These plants were originally found in southwest Europe. C. caerulea var. Major forms clumps of slender, linear, blue-green leaves. Its flowers resemble Daisies and are borne atop wiry stems in the summer. They open from silvery buds to lavender-blue, papery flowers. The flowers and buds dry well. This plant grows from 18 to 24 inches high with a spread of 12 inches.

Pot Cultivation

These plants should be planted a foot apart in well-drained, sandy soil, in full sun. These are great for the herbaceous border. They need to be propagated often to maintain vigorous growth.


Cupid's Dart may be increased by root cuttings or division in the winter, or by sowing seeds in sandy soil in the spring.

C. caerulea C. lutea.


C. caerulea & its variety Major; C. lutea. 

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